Fun holistic sports and healthy lifestyle and wellbeing programmes
Achieving Goalz and Dreams creates fun and holistic sports and healthy lifestyle and wellbeing programmes, to help children and families become healthier and fitter and to protect against mental ill health.These progammes are designed for all age groups from young children to youths and adults of all abilities from exemplary to hard to reach.
Achieving Goalz and Dreams are committed to safeguarding all of the young people and participants who access any of our programmes and follow Staffordshire safeguarding childrens boards policies and procedures to safeguard all our participants.
Achieving Goalz and Dreams are members of Staffordshire Council of Voluntary Youth Services (SCVYS) which enables our organisation to have access to many of their FREE benefits that includes IAG on safeguarding
SCVYS represents the voluntary sector on the Staffordshire Safeguarding Scrutiny & Assurance Group which sits under the Safeguarding Board, our role is to advise and support the Board, disseminate information to the sector, raise emerging issues and ensure relevant, accessible training is available and a priority to our member groups.This ensures that we have access to the most up to date guidance and policies to support the children, young people and families who access our activities and sessions.
SCVYS promotes good practice by ensuring members evidence a number of quality standards around safeguarding which are included within the SCVYS Safeguarding policy and procedure template including:
- Information on the responsibilities of a designated lead
- Guidance for staff and volunteers in terms of what to look for
- Recognising signs of abuse
- Who to refer to should a child be at risk of significant harm
- Code of conduct for workers
- How to deal with complaints
- Information for parents and carers.
This year To book we have made it even simpler please ring bal or the office on 07525169440 and book your days and weeks
Health, exercise and well being programmes
We offer specialist health services regarding nutritional advice and the creation of tailored health and well being programmes designed for all ages covering individuals from young children, youths, adults and the elderly and also families, schools, youth services and community groups. Our programmes help you to achieve all the goalz as you go through life.
We aim to combine physical activity, healthy eating and wellbeing to establish a healthier lifestyle by introducing fun and interactive programmes that establish and reinforce healthy habits not just for now, but for life! Our programmes deal with obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol,healthy cooking, physical activity and helping to fight against mental ill health.
Physical Literacy and our children
We all understand the importance of a sound education to help our children make a good start in their working lives, but sometimes the value we attach to “physical literacy” in our children is sadly missing.
Physical activity programmes can:-
- Encourage children with natural but hidden talents
- Educate children through physical activity
- Change children’s lives through sport
Economic well being
Our society is constantly changing, unfortunately not always for the better. With the intake of junk foods on the rise and a lack of regular exercise commonplace especially in the younger generations, our Healthy Lifestyles programmes are designed to not only help combat obesity, diabetes, heart disease and other lifestyle illnesses, but just as important to promote positive behaviour, good health and self esteem.
Whilst a healthy lifestyle can benefit everyone, getting into good habits at a young age can prevent health issues appearing later in life. We are committed to helping children overcome their unhealthy lifestyles, an indicator being obesity figures in children.
Alternative Education Programme
The need for alternative education provision has risen rapidly helping to fill gaps in the education of children and young people, where mainstream settings have actually hindered the learning process for certain individuals. We offer a high quality alternative, designed to fulfil the varying needs within this sector with the goal to make academic progress on a par with their mainstream peers in Years 3, 4, 5, 6 and secondary school age after year 6.
Our range of subjects follow the English National Curriculum, including sports and recreational activities such as paintball, go-karting and foot golf sessions to help develop increased engagement , with regular assessments to monitor progress. We are proud to deliver a creative alternative to mainstream education and believe our bespoke education programmes are a major factor in enabling young people to grow and progress with their education.
Sports mentoring / therapy sessions
Achieving Goalz offers sports mentoring and therapy sessions using coaches, lifestyle specialists as well as qualified teaching assistants, supporting students on an individual and group basis to improve their performance levels. All our sports mentors have the prerequisite skills and qualifications needed to do the job well, including invaluable work experience, enabling effective communication and learning for our students. Our sports mentors have a passion for helping pupils learn and assisting where needed, including the patience to help pupils who are struggling or unwell.